Program Options

Lets talk OPTIONS, myJabber Program Options to be precise. The myJabber client is very configurable with all of it's primary program options being done from the options menu.
Program Options:
Chat Rooms:
Proxy:  (follow hyperlink to proxy page)
Web Sites:
Contact Blocking:

Color Selection:

*Please be sure to click after any changes to your options so that they will take effect in your program.*


The myJabber Server options are set in this brief, easy to use Menu.
Server: this is the server that the Profile will use to connect to the "Real World"  If you are using a server located on the local LAN, confer with the server Admin on the proper IP address or DNS name for the server.

Port: This is the port used by the server. 5222 for standard and 5223 for SSL (Secure Socket Layers)
User Name: Your user name ...
Password: For the user name...
Resource: This MUST have an entry, What it is, is up to you. It can be used to  set Location, Client Software, or even Mood... your Choice.
Use SSL: This check box tells myJabber to use the SSL features built into the client. This will automatically change the Port to 5223



History/Auto Away:

The Presence menu serves  several functions

Message Logging: A check here will enable logging for all   Message History, both Person to Person and Conference.
Log Directory: Shown is the default path to the History Folder. This can be set to whatever you like. The Folder at the Right side is a browse button.

  Auto Away After: Defaults at 10 minutes, set to what you like. zero sets it so that you never show away unless you custom do it on the main myjabber page.
Auto Away Message: This message will be delivered to any that Message you while you are Away.
Show Auto Away Dialog: This puts a pop-up on your screen showing you that you have entered  "Away Mode"

More about Presence


Program Options

Program Options contains 20 different settings that make myJabber one of the most powerful clients available.
Auto Connect at startup: This will automatically log the client onto your server when the program is opened.

Add To Windows Start Up: This setting is to start your myjabber in your windows startup menu so when your computer starts so does the myjabber program.
Time Stamp Group Chat Messages: This setting places a "time received in front of each massage that arrives in a group chat.
Timestamp Chat Messages: This setting places a "time arrived" in front of each message that arrives in a person to person chat.
CR Sends Message in Chat Window: This causes the Enter key or "Carriage Return" to send the chat message. Otherwise you would have to click the green "send" arrow.
Close Button Minimizes to System Tray: Causes the "X" in the top right corner of the program to Minimize the program to the system tray instead of Closing it.
Flash Caption On new message in a Group Chat or Chat Window: This cause the Task bar item to flash when you receive a new message and the window is minimized to the taskbar.
Visual cue on New Message when minimized: This forces  that you have received a NEW message as opposed to the window popping up in your face, you receive the new message sound with a number beside the contact name
and it will also tell you the number of messages that contact has sent you.
Receive messages in chats window: Inbound messages arrive in a Chat Window instead of  the Message window. This is selected by default.
Auto receive Chat: Chat message pops up on screen upon receipt. But if you don't have this checked off then all you will see is the person who sent you a chat beside there contact name the icon will flash. (better for you to have this item checked  off so you will be able to see all chat requests and chats.)
Chat instead of Message Window on double click of Contact: Set by default, without this check a message dialog opens instead of a chat. More on Messaging and Chatting.
Leave Chat and Groupchat windows open in disconnect: Chat / Groupchat window can be left open after you have disconnected from program
Turn off online Timer: This turns off the Online timer in the bottom right of the Program, (the thing drove some users crazy...was almost a sad thing)
Group Message in Message Window: This setting Groups messages in the Message Window by sender.
Turn off Contact Tips: This turns OFF the Contact information you get by placing your cursor over someone in the Roster.
Disable User Online Popup: This shuts off the online pop up menu to show you who is online but if you click once on the online button it will show you who is online click again and it hides the contacts that are online. this is only for people you have not put into a separate contact group.
Run Minimized: This forces the Program to minimize to the system tray on program start.
Auto Subscribe on Subscription Request: This forces the program to automatically subscribe to someone that subscribes to you.
Accept Subscription Request Automatically: In this case the program will automatically accept a subscription to you from another myjabber user.
Send Away Status in Chat request: When you are set away, this will force the client to send your away status to anyone that messages you.
Send Open Notify When Sent A URL or File Transfer: When you have this checked off this will allow the contacts that have sent you a URL or a File Transfer notification that you have opened them or one of the other.
Show Roster On Right: When you click this option it will show your roster on the right hand side instead of the left hand side.
Sort Roster: When you click this option it will short your roster alphabetically


This is the screen were you would add extra links to your main page on the links area. You can customize it to what ever your favorite links may be (limited to 3) 

Example Below:

(regular link bar)

(Custom link bar)



This is a screen shot of your sound options, at this point you can either have sounds to notify when one of your myjabber contacts  are online, going offline or to let you know that you have a message waiting. You also have the option on this screen to turn off your sounds or select which sound would like to be turned on or off by un clicking the . Click on the sample sound to here the sounds of each action.


 Favorite Chat Rooms

To add a chat room temporarily Go to Tools on the myJabber drop down menu, choose Options, Chat Rooms, click

This screen will display not only the new Temporary room you have added but it will also show your favorite Chat Rooms. You can change your Nick Name by placing your cursor over the appropriate Chat Room and pressing .  After you have made the necessary change Press , or if you change your mind. The would delete the chosen Chat Room from the main file and should only be used by your system Administrator. For more information on chat rooms Click Here


Figure 7 Colors And Text Font

In this section you can change in the main program your style of font ,size of font and color of text. All of the other fonts must be changed in the chat or conference room screens only once it will then change the rest of your chat and conference screen for future use. Example of font screen below


Main Program Font Selection